Sunday, February 9, 2014

Arizona Gunslinger Habanero Hot Sauce Review

Arizona Gunslinger Habanero Pepper Sauce

Note: Support video available here:

This particular brand, perhaps because it originates not too far away in Mesa, AZ, seems to show up frequently here and I finally got around to getting a bottle from them. I chose the hottest I could find at the time, which was the Habanero. A couple of pistols and the legend "Smokin' Hot" appear on the label, but frankly, this is more of a Jalapeno sauce than anything. Habanero is listed as the first ingredient, followed closely by Jalapeno, but frankly, salt is the most dominant aspect here. It's a shame, as this sauce had potential. There is little heat in it, but the blend of flavors, if you put it on something, for instance, needing salt, is pretty good. This could be something to keep on hand, but not at the risk of sending one into hypertension.

Aside from that, the company made a very odd decision to put a restrictor cap on a sauce that's fairly thick.  I'd put the consistency at approaching ketchup, which is easy to control, but booting that cap becomes a pretty quick necessity. It does seem to do well on a variety of foods, though, again, it does remarkably better on those that are either salt-free or undersalted. It is not quite a table sauce, but a slightly uptick to that and if they dialed down the sauce, might be something I would keep on hand.

Bottom line: This sauce is sort of a shame as it could be one I would consider keeping on hand, as the heat level is low enough for my wife to tolerate and it does strike me as otherwise being a good sauce for Mexican-type foods. Still, I prefer my seasonings to be more separate (i.e. hot sauce as hot sauce and salt as salt, not a combination of the two) and as such, will not be replacing this bottle.


           Heat level: 1
           Flavor: 3
           Flexibility: 5
           Enjoyment to dollar factor: 3

Overall: 3

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