Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Best Hot Sauce 2024 + Recap

Best Hot Sauce 2024  + Recap

Sometimes, I get accused of being overly fond of data, but I only think this is half true. In this very specific case, I got curious to see what the review score breakdown, which I’ve done in other years past, would look like plotted, so I created a chart exactly for that. I will get into that more in the statistics section, where we look at the actual numbers, but if you’re curious about what that sort of thing would look like visually represented, it is here this year. Let me know if you like it and I may continue in successive years.

Before we get into the full year, I did make some minor changes to the blog by way of ease of access and hopefully convenience of searching, on both the TOC for Full Reviews and for Mini-Reviews. Hopefully it reads well across all viewing platforms. One interesting (to me, at least) side effect, that I hadn’t noticed until a few days after that change, was that it’s much easier to see which sauces starting with respective letters have associated FOH videos with them. Again, that will never be at 100%, because the blog has outrun the life span of a few sauce companies and those products are lost and gone forever, and because there are a few sauces I never want to experience at any level ever again, including in the brief span on camera it takes for the video content, but this change to the TOC lists does highlight a point of curiousity, I suppose.

Another change, which will be much less noticeable, is that I started toying around with scheduling posts. Now, I’ve always done it with the Quarterly Update posts (this very one you’re reading, for example, I’ve edited at least 30+ times over the course of the year), but towards the end of 2024, I started tinkering with timing them a bit to put them on a more semi-regular cadence, instead of just dumping them as I did them. This is an experiment that I may abandon, to be sure, but tying into the idea of the posting schedule of the FOH videos a bit, where I try to space them (probably unnecessarily) a bit so they can “breathe” and have a chance for attention without another newer shiny thing competing for attention, I thought I would give it a go on the blog front and see how that plays out. In years past, I would just write them and post. The FOH video series started in 2019 and I’ve always meant the blog and that series to be linked, so I feel it’s worth trying that out to see if it makes an appreciable difference. I truly don’t know that it will, but I’ve also never attempted this in the past, so if nothing else, it’s perhaps more trial-and-error data-gathering than anything else.

For the year as a whole on the blog front, it started pretty *ahem* heated, with a string of consecutive reviews, the last of which was my 500th overall blog post (I also finally got around to a list of my favorite pods earlier in the year, linky in SOTY page at right), but fell off directly after due to COVID, which sucked. A lot. COVID also set me back on some FOH challenge stuff I’d gotten. I did hit the 500th blog post in January and also wound up doing the first-ever quad review, as well as at least one double and one triple. So, while the number of postings overall for the year was the same as the previous year, and yes, that is the very first time that has ever happened in the history of the blog, there was perhaps more extensive coverage of sauces.

Before I get to the rest of the year end stuff, I suppose the big news is, if you’ve paid attention to the FOH series on the YouTube channel, a major change took place in October. My former editing/production tower was running, offline, of course, Windows XP, and a version of Sony Vegas (7.0) from a very long time ago. I didn’t upgrade any of this because: I had it, it was paid for, and at the time, I wasn’t sure how much I wanted to do YouTube. I also had a very workable process (even if it involved a lot of screwing around with SD cards and external hard drives), which I was comfortable with and worked well enough, since I wasn’t planning on doing stuff that required CGI or anything other than some relatively basic editing tweaks.

I got the tower in 2007 and since then, it had produced numerous videos, thousands both personal and across 3 different YouTube channels, all the way to a full-length movie. But, I (obviously) couldn’t upgrade the software any further and that tower wouldn’t process any of the higher definition videos, so I had to intentionally downgrade video recording quality to keep using it. In mid-May of 2024, it started having problems and it became a race against time to get enough recorded wherein I would have enough lead-in to hopefully get used to the new tower, new OS, and new software. The dread day was coming, which I’d put off, but always knew would be along, that, if I wanted to continue producing video content, I’d have to replace the tower and also revamp a good portion of my process, particularly in creating templates and establishing new video levels for the cameras.

What I didn’t know is that, instead of just tweaking or changing a few things here or there, I would wind up changing nearly *all* of my prior processes, which took a while to re-orient, since I was busily trying to test different things in order to corral all that stuff. Due to a variety of factors, the lead-in time I thought I had was considerably less than what I actually had, as I fully intended for the new stuff to start going live October 1. As it was, I was still tinkering nearly all the way through October, trying to find better and more repeatable methods, as well as streamlining things once I found a change I liked. Truth be told, as I write this, I am still tinkering with various aspects, trying to get the overall process nailed down and fine-tuned. Admittedly, it is taking a bit longer since I’m doing this all “live,” as in on the fly, instead of just doing rushes and looking at test footage, but I’m just a fat old dude spewing my thoughts on various products, so it ain’t like I’m doing Shakespeare or whatever. The move to newer tech wasn’t all bad, as it opened things up a lot past the software limitations of the old, venerable software, so it’s ultimately going to be to the good, as long as the new replacement tower doesn’t shit the bed, but I’m going to miss the old ways, particularly the simplicity, where I only had to worry about whether I had enough natural light before hitting the record button.

By way of example, the newest channel trailer (posted October 1, 2024) took somewhere upwards of 4 hours to actually finish to the point where you see it now, thanks to a number of fits and starts. The next video from the new tech I had to re-render and re-upload twice because I forgot a 10 second element and couldn’t add it after the fact. Same with the one after that and, as it turned out, all of the videos I did that day, which was around 6 hours of work, had to all be re-rendered.

Anyway, I’d been at least somewhat mentally planning the change to newer tech in the back of my head for a few years, so I was a little prepared, but loss of a thing that you’re personally intimate with, that you spend a lot of time with, is still loss, and whether it’s a person or even something like replacing a car, things are not the same. No matter how much you try to get ready, you never are, truly, fully, when it actually happens. That left a different challenge, albeit another I’d at least accounted for..

I have always recorded ahead, with all of the channels I’ve done, uploaded stuff (or left it on the hard drive for later) well in advance of it going live for posting. I upgraded the audio for a lot of the content starting in the later part of 2023, an alteration which wasn’t meant to be blatant, but that’s not the case with visuals. There is a pretty big disparity between the older videos, which wouldn’t render in HD or even widescreen correctly, and the new ones. I could have done a huge video dump, and debated doing a daily video for every day in February 2025 to clear that backlog before deciding against it, and just intermingling them. So, if you’re wondering why the huge quality difference, that’s why and also partially why I’m running Friday postings until all of the older content is up and posted (into March 2025), at which point it will be only stuff with the new (and I feel, better) content process. I also have a decided backlog of sauce videos currently, per usual for this time of year, so the Friday posts might be going for a good while into 2025. There is also a less than zero chance that I will hit 1000 FOH videos sometime next year, which is kind of wild to me.

For 2024, once again, I started the year off with a substantial backlog of non-sauce FOH content, though not quite as much as the previous year, and overall had a better handle on it, given that I did a bunch of content for the 12 Days of Christmas theme in 2023. While I will not be repeating that, and initially was not going to repeat as many fun, off-the-wall, wacky, but mostly undersung, non-mainstream holidays, as I did for 2024, there are at least 3 that I have planned, entirely filmed, and scheduled, as well as a few more that I may or may not have simply made up (full list in the YouTube Community tab for my page - follow one of the links to the playlists at right). I will also be doing a handful of wing videos in the run-up to the Super Bowl in 2025, but just more looping stuff into that time frame posting, rather than doing anything particularly special for that event, as I did in 2022. I will also be doing, as per usual, the more mainstream holidays when and where I can find things that fit, however loosely.

Again, this winter, as last, I’m doing a number of challenges (in 2025, they will be appearing on the 15th of various months through Q2), but this may be the last year of that. While I’ve done the ones I have mostly opportunistically, what’s left is definitely more in the margins. I am not now, nor will I probably ever be, a member of any challenge organization, be it either League Of Fire or Heat Feasters, and while I think some of the various challenges are interesting, there is not generally an easy way for me to access those products. My focus is on flavor, above all else, and it’s hard to see where paying for overseas shipping, for instance, is going to make a lot of sense considering that nearly all challenge products (and I am loathe to pay over $10 for any of them) both generally are not very tasty and also are more expensive to begin with. Certainly, of the ones I’ve done, I’ve tried to skew it heavily towards those I think will have the least offensive flavor.

Since we’re talking about YT a bit here, let’s game out a bit of the theory behind content, at least for a lower level creator, like myself. The equation probably changes if one is monetized and has a more popular channel, but the concept I would imagine would still be intact. Here is a real world example of where I’m going with this. One of the sometimes more “viral” (though not for me so far) items to make content on was the Paqui One Chip Challenge. To be sure, this was part of my consideration for the 3 years I did them, but also the price point was sub-$10. Even then, a single chip cost more than an entire bag of another flavor, or I could take that same $10 and go get a bottle (I’m rounding a bit on the pricing) of far tastier (hopefully) sauce. Right now, the Paqui is gone and probably not coming back anytime soon. We have a few similar products out there, one of which is called the Jolochip. Right now, that one is going for around $14 or so, again for a single chip. I can now get up to a bottle or more of a far tastier (hopefully) sauce for that same $14. This consideration applies particularly to challenge products, as the quantity and generally my enjoyment is a lot less, but it does apply to an extent to all the products that I purchase, which is why there are still a couple challenges from Old Agness I’m at least moderately interested in doing but haven’t gotten to yet.

In perhaps larger focus, I’ve come to a decision about the FOH series on YouTube. I can say, with a pretty high degree of confidence, maybe not quite certainty (I still have at least an easy dozen videos that I have non-sauce product for but have yet to film), but confidence, that I will be producing less content in 2025. Now, this could change if a whole glut of stuff comes out, but here’s the thing:

I started initially making the FOH videos when Roger Damptz of Burn Your Tongue, one of best people I’ve known and a true titan in the industry, offered to sponsor my then-flailing blog (this one you’re reading right now, in fact) and I thought it was poor reward that any exposure for him would be in a fairly low readership blog. So, I decided to make videos also so that there would be a video as well as a blog post for the sauces he provided and maybe combined that would present a larger amount of eyeballs. That was part of it. Another part was to make something that I could point to every time someone would ask me in real life if such and such was actually hot and/or good. I figured if they had questions a lot of other people I refer to as chile-curious would as well. So, I thought I’d build a library of non-sauce content to go along with the hot sauce videos...and that’s what I have now. The playlists are pretty well-populated and I’ve covered quite a gamut of chilehead-related products, beyond strictly hot sauces.

All of that sounds well and good, but herein comes the problem. I have a great deal of fun doing the videos and most of it is at moderate expense, buuuut due to that extensive coverage, the products left to do are a bit on the pricier side. The entire FOH series so far doesn’t realistically draw well enough for me to rationalize the higher expense items, to be blunt. I personally buy nearly everything you see in the videos or in the blog posts and, sheer fun aside, short of being monetized or to at least having more eyes on the videos, I have to draw the line somewhere.

I feel there is a larger discussion here, given that I’ve mentioned that of my top 10 videos on the channel, only two of them are for hot sauces, so it may seem odd to cut back on the content category that is drawing better. To put a big question to rest, no, I am not quitting YouTube. If anything, it is more a re-dedication to the idea of the video content being originally intended to support this very blog. Now, I found a whole lot more non-sauce content than expected, to be sure, and I will still do it as it comes along. As it is, I spend a lot of time researching and trying to make sure I’m covering as much as I possibly can, including pre-planning (as an illustration, right after the Q3 2024 update posted, I was planning into February 2025 - as of this posting, I’m well into May 2025), so I’m hoping, now that I’ve got such immense and intense coverage, that I can perhaps achieve something a little closer to balance.  

Anyway, long and short of all this is that, basically, after the second quarter 2025, FOH video posting will probably be a lot less active than in past years. Sundays will stay hot sauce video day. I doubt I will return to the reaction content, unless I can think up a better way of doing it. The good note is that I will now, hopefully, finally, after pushing it off mostly the last 2+ years, be able (maybe) to move up some of my long-delayed projects that have spent a lot more time on the backburner than I ever intended...which is something I’ve been saying the last 2 or 3 years.

If it happens, that is...plans of mine have a habit at times of forming differently than anticipated, so major caveat there, but IF it does, this won’t be a surprise for readers of the blog. I’ve talked for a while about dialing it back. Part of it is because of the lag time. If it takes me a entire year (or even 6 months, realistically) between filming/producing a video and posting it, that’s too long by a significant factor. This has happened repeatedly over the last 2 - 3 years.

Additionally, while I really enjoy doing the FOH series still, I know from my past dealings with creative works, it is also pretty easy to get burned out and I’d strongly prefer that not happen. I have enough of a cushion so I can take breaks, but when I was doing a gaming channel and recording constantly to keep up a near-steady stream of posted content, I started to really dislike playing video games. That was one of the main reasons I stopped doing that channel. Video games were not fun any longer and I had to walk away from filming content involving me playing them so I could enjoy them again. I learned quite a lot from that, particularly in terms of process, and if I ever get the itch again, it will be different, but that is nowhere near on the foreseeable horizon.

Speaking strictly to the FOH series, my methodology is sound and those videos are still a lot of fun to come up with and film. I just want them overall to move to a more relaxed posting cadence, sort of like this blog is now...at least to a degree. Of course, this plan could get thrown entirely out the window or itself pushed back to 2026 or maybe beyond, depending on circumstances and how much stuff comes out, but that’s where things are tentatively currently.

As with the last couple of years, despite no real emphasis on it, I’m also inching closer to finishing the hot sauce archives project, in which I go back and revisit via FOH videos certain sauces from the blog from back before the FOH content existed. I don’t really have anything specific in mind for that and am not doing any particular planning for it, so I think it’s going to be more or a less a thing that creeps up and I find I no longer have any sauces not covered that I want to do kind of deal. This may wind up coming to the fore a bit, as my current “hit” list that I’ve been keeping for the last few years, my upcoming sauce list that I want to try and make some content with, is probably the lowest it’s ever been. I could finally wind up coming to the point where I’m out of sauces I’m interested in and can easily get. After quite a while of having between 8 - 20 unopened bottles on the on-deck shelf for years, it will be kind of weird if that’s how things develop. I don’t think it will happen in 2025, but I usually do pretty big annual buys for Black Friday and they were a touch muted this year.

Let’s turn now to The Hot Ones sauce coverage project. All of this, as always, is updated on the Hot Ones Sauces page (link at right) as to which sauces are still under consideration and which are not, along with the reasons why not.

To break it down a bit, there are 4 seasons within the first 20 wherein I’m missing a single sauce. As far as I can tell, the only one still available is in Season 9 (though it’s a very expensive sauce - the only place I’ve been able to find it recently it’s like $30 and the sauce is a Scorpion sauce and there is no Scorpion sauce in the world I think would be worth that, and probably not most sauces in general, so I’m also considering not doing that one at all), so I’ve updated the full list accordingly, with the other 3 being evidently discontinued or otherwise unavailable. The only other sort of outlier is the Zombie Apocalypse from Torchbearer, a sauce I didn’t find enjoyable, but which I will film a video on, both to see if my feelings have changed, more in the name of completion than anything, but only if I find it on (a heavily discounted) sale, which, heretofore, I have not.

Anyway, that this all means is I could be super close to entirely caught up in 2025, even with mostly slow-walking it, as I’ve been doing the last couple years.

Current to now, the seasons with sauces outstanding are:

Season 9 - 1 remaining
Season 20 - 2 remaining (2 at hand)
Season 21 - 2 remaining (1 at hand)
Season 22 - 5 remaining (4 at hand)
Season 23 - 3 remaining (2 at hand)
Season 24 - 2 remaining (1 at hand)
Season 25 - 3 remaining (2 at hand)

These are the sauces remaining, by slot position on the show:

#1 - 1 remaining (1 at hand)
#2 - 1 remaining (1 at hand)
#3 - fully covered            
#4 - fully covered
#5 - 3 remaining (3 at hand)
#6 - fully covered
#7 - 3 remaining (2 at hand)
#8 - fully covered
#9 - 5 remaining (4 at hand)
#10 - 1 remaining

We will get into the SOTY discussion more, but first, as we usually do, some stats for the blog:

Total posts (including this post): 578
Total views (as of this writing): 83, 251
Total sauces full-reviewed: 511
Total full review sauces with FOH video content: 386
Average rating, all full review sauces: 4.64
Total min-review sauces: 61
Total sauces reviewed, combined: 572
Highest viewed individual blog review: ~2.07K - Private Selection Mango Scotch Bonnet

As mentioned, since I get asked this question a bit, if all these sauces follow a sort of Bell curve, as things are wont to do, I made a graph this year, which is below:

As you can see, it is not precisely a Bell curve, but rather heavily skewed towards a cumulative rating of 6 and under. There are, of course, zero perfect 10s and that is by design, so I don’t imagine there will ever be any. There are a total of 7 in the 9 rating, all of which but one are SOTYs. The only other 9 I need to probably do a video on, in which case, I am rather doubting it will retain that particular value, but we’ll see once I get to it. I’ve been putting it off for a while, as I bought another bottle after the bottle for the written review and subsequently liked it much less than before, but not enough to re-rate it. One of the things the FOH video series has done has been to largely relieve me of those qualms.

Because I seem forever fascinated by certain data, I keep wanting (and immediately forgetting that there is no actual on-site mechanism for this) an actual word count for the blog overall. This post, for instance, is over 5000 words, but most of the reviews, which are the bulk of the content, run anywhere from 500 - 750 words generally. So, if we pick a median of 625 words and multiply by the full review tally, which is 511, we get 319, 375 words. That leaves another 67 posts to account for, but that was the easy part.

The Quarterly Updates range pretty heavily, but generally run at least 1000, except for the year end ones, which are much longer, closer to this one. There are 13 of those and most of the time, as I recall, they were in the 3,500 range, so that’s another 45,500 to the word count, bring us to 364,875. We still have another 54 posts left. Some years, there were not 3 other Quarterly Updates before the final ones and there are also the “outside” articles, such as the intro column or my trip to Fiery Fest or my favorite chiles, etc. Now we get into work, as I more or less would have to count the exact number of those for the 12+ years I’ve been doing this, as well as an exact count on the mini-reviews, but conservatively, I would estimate that is easily another 100K+ for the word count, if not more. It could be much more. Still, I think it’s an easy 450K+, which, if you consider novel length to be 100K, puts it in an interesting context. The only sure way is to cut/paste this into a word processor and count the words and that is too much, even for me. If this ever takes off and gets wildly successful, perhaps then...

I don’t have a lot more to say about the other numbers, other than noting the streak of the highest viewed post on the blog, for the last couple years, is the Private Selection Mango Scotch Bonnet, which is a pretty nice sauce, especially for a mass market commercial one, and being a house brand to boot. The expectation might be, since interest in that review tends to still be a bit pronounced, despite the review itself being from 2017, that there would be corresponding interest in the accompanying video. That has not been the case, as the video, which was posted in 2022, is towards the bottom. The highest viewed FOH video, thus far, is from 2023, for one of the Hot Ones/Hot Pockets collabs. As noted earlier, hot sauces generally are seemingly of less interest on the video side, being 2 of the top 10 and 4 of the top 20, though if you extend condiments into it, there are a couple mustards also in the top 20.

I’m not entirely sure why this is the case, other than snacks and stuff being generally overall more popular, but also a lot of the other stuff in a finished product and you experience it for that time and that’s it. Condiments like hot sauce tend to be of a longer duration and are more of a commitment overall, if people choose to acquire some. Generally, one will not buy a bottle of any condiment expecting to use it all in one sitting. Conversely, I still, despite actively making content on YouTube for the past 8 years and doing this blog for 12+ years, really have no idea the voodoo of why some stuff draws and other stuff doesn’t.

And now, finally, we turn to the Sauce Of The Year for 2024. We started off wild and wooly, with the first 2024 SOTY candidate with the very first review in January 2024 of Silk City’s marvelous Shake And Pour Over, then another came a few days later with the Karma Ashes 2 Ashes sauce, which supplanted the Puckerbutt Chipotle Xpress as the hottest SOTY candidate to date and kicked the year off with a roar. The Ashes 2 Ashes held the frontrunner position from that point on. Next came around a 9 month gulf before an absolute gem of a sauce in the Cajun style mold, the Two Heads Music City Heat came along. That sauce was my 500th overall full review for the blog, a distinction that perhaps is meaningful only to me, but it did add a certain note of specialness via that association. The Music City Heat was also the fastest I went though them, though not by any great extent. The contenders this year are all fantastically delicious sauces and so my deliberations moved into hair-splitting, by-the-barest-of-margins territory.

Like many of the other years, I will state that any of these is an excellent choice and I’ve resolved this dilemma in the past by looking at total overall score or moving to an intangible, such as which I enjoyed more, which is really the ultimate criteria, I suppose. Obviously, I loved them all considerably, but which weighs heavier, a sauce that I find so tasty that I burn through the bottle in a heated rush or one that is both tasty and hotter, which takes me longer to whip through it and then I can also enjoy it longer? So, while I really admired the flavor combination of the Music City Heat, find it to be an utterly brilliant sauce that speaks pretty directly to me, and will definitely be buying more of that as soon as I run out more of my Louisiana-style/Cajun sauces, ultimately, I think it is a neater trick combining higher heat along with outstanding flavor and thus, accordingly, am giving the nod to the Sauce Of The Year winner for 2024: Karma’s Ashes 2 Ashes.

Previous TSAAF Sauce Of The Year winners (links to reviews in SOTY Table Of Contents link to the right):

2012: CaJohn’s Happy Beaver
2013: Blair’s Pure Death
2014: Born To Hula’s Ghost Of Ancho
2015: Voodoo Chile’s Voo Dew Honey Doo
2016: Pirate O’s Surface Of The Sun Hot Sauce
2017: Z’s Shield Maiden Hot Sauce
2018: Taco Jesus Cayenne Pepper Sauce
2019: Torchbearer Ultimate Annihilation
2020: Mikey V’s Sweet Ghost Pepper
2021: Gindo’s Original
2022: Hellfire Hellboy Legendary AF
2023: Retsuko Rage

If you want to read more from me, check out the YouTube Community page, which also contains a number of photos of different food things, as well as brief little notes to span the gap between the quarterly postings here.  

I also have another blog, where I type about wine, the Happy Sippin’ Companion (HSC). It has been put on inactive status as of 2019, with maybe a handful of posts since then with no plans to actively  resurrect it, but still remains up for viewing (link also on right).

I also still slug away on Yelp, which you can click to from my widget. I’m finally resuming posts from my earlier layoff, but it’s still way off the pace from pre-pandy years. My distribution of ratings and further metrics are available on my Yelp profile page....I think. Maybe.

As always, I appreciate you dropping by. If there are any spicy products or sauces you’d like to see me get to or any video ideas you may have, please drop me a line in the comment section here or in any of the videos.

Thursday, December 19, 2024

Melinda’s Louisiana Red Cayenne Hot Sauce Review

Melinda’s Louisiana Red Cayenne

Note: Support video available here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xw8Go5a6IX4

Back a dozen (and change) years ago, when I started this blog, there were two names floating around, getting a lot of attention, this and Marie Sharp’s, but neither of them had a sauce I could consider getting, despite me checking out the entire lines of both, as they tend to be onion happy. Sharp’s is still, to my knowledge, that way, but Melinda’s has seemingly decided to make an overt push to become a much larger mass market commercial company, branching out into various sub-lines, and adding a lot more sauces to the line-up. I believe this may be one of those, as I don’t recall seeing it in the past.

Flavor-wise, it bears out the mass market push I was mentioning. This is a very tame sauce, with very pedestrian flavors and nearly all the hallmark edges of a Louisiana-style sauce, which the label is at minimum referencing, sanded off. The first hit is still vinegar, but it is considerably blunted. So, too, the Cayenne, which also has been neutered of any heat. This is a slightly salty taste and there is a definitely a strong note of garlic as well. This one is fairly heavy on xanthan gum, to the point where it reminded me more of ketchup, texture-wise, than either a Louisiana-style Cayenne or what I think it’s closer to, the spin-off Cajun style. In terms of flavor, it is definitely more Cajun style, but, the flavors are kind of amalgamated and meshed together into a much softer approach than we normally see in hot sauce.

That does not mean this sauce is by any means not. Indeed, I find the flavor to be pretty pleasant and think this would make a fantastic point of entry sauce (again, think mass market) for anyone just off-handedly picking it up. Perhaps that is the intent of it, and with that dulling down, this does lend a certain amount of flexibility to the sauce that might otherwise not be there. This, in conjunction with the thickness of the sauce and tendency to hold in place, makes it useful on pizza, for instance, where normally a Louisiana-style would not go. It does cover most of the usual stuff there, so breakfast and fried foods as well, even to ramen, where I would also personally not use Louisiana-style. All of those things work against it, for me, anyway, when it comes to richer dishes, like mac & cheese.

Bottom line: A very solid, very middle-of-the-road, albeit thicker consistency than usual, approach to a Cajun style hot sauce, only sans heat. Chileheads can skip this one, but it could serve a great entry point for the chile curious. 


           Heat level: 0
           Flavor: 7
           Flexibility: 7
           Enjoyment to dollar factor: 9

Overall: 6

Monday, December 16, 2024

Volcanic Peppers Corny Chipotle Hot Sauce Review

Volcanic Peppers Corny Chipotle

I’ve told the story before, in this very blog, about how I formerly shopped for vinyl records, or LPs, as we called them back then, and how I would be regaled by particularly entrancing artwork from Frazetta or Kelly. Some of my favorite albums came from this highly unscientific process, which would also include titles that tickled my fancy, which I also applied to books and various other media as well. Of course, my success rate, as one might expect, was fairly nominal with how many duds I came across and I eventually stopped...

...but not entirely. Case in point, this sauce, which I bought solely on the name alone, figuring that I didn’t run across corn as a hot sauce ingredient too often, this being probably the first and only instance of that, and I like Mexican street corn conceptually. I like it a lot when I make it and maybe half the time if someone else does. Chipotle should be a natural fit to this flavor profile and it sounded like something that could be really interesting and potentially quite good, if pulled off.

Therein, I suppose, lies the rub. This is another of those things that I (still) think is a really interesting concept, the idea of corn and Chipotle as the more dominant flavors for a hot sauce, but where it is highly dependent on execution. This sauce, for me, doesn’t quite get there. It is a pretty grainy, quite thick and sludgy concoction, and very clearly an attempt to put nearly all possible elements of elotes into a single sauce...or maybe just one specific version. The flavor isn’t bad, though it is fairly garlic heavy, which tends towards a bitterness I found myself wishing was not present. When using it on various foods, I had a lot of flavor cancellation and struggled to find a good setting where I thought it clicked. I do think it would work well adding it into something like cornbread or maybe masa flour for tamales.

This does kind of bring up the concept of elotes, which are meant to be their own self-contained dish. The idea is not to make Mexican street corn and then put it on a pizza or into a sandwich, as the label copy sort of suggests, but rather to enjoy it on its own terms as a dish. Had this sauce stuck more to the two ingredients it’s named for, I think it would have worked out better. As it is, the roasted corn flavor isn’t particularly prominent and there is simply not enough Chipotle, which rends the heat pretty low in this, but also is overtaken by the garlic. I can admire the experimental nature of this sauce, but I don’t find it to be a particularly successful one.

Bottom line: A noble, valiant attempt to bottle the flavor of elotes, which ultimately gets in its own way. 


           Heat level: 0
           Flavor: 4
           Flexibility: 2
           Enjoyment to dollar factor: 2

Overall: 2

Thursday, December 12, 2024

Puckerbutt Smokin' Ed's Peach Super Hot Blend Hot Sauce

Puckerbutt Smokin’ Ed’s Peach Super Hot Blend

This one sat on the shelf for a bit...don’t remember now where I got it, either from the hallowed shelves of a BYT location or maybe from Puckerbutt directly, if they were having some kind of swank sale or other, as they are prone to do, but memory does not serve. In any case, like so many others before it, it sat on the shelf as I, when I first held it in my grubby little mitts, decided, based on the ingredients and runniness of the liquid in the bottle, that this was probably meant to be along the line of a Louisiana-style and I had what one might reasonably call a plethora of those this year.

Dear reader, I was wrong. Indeed, when I first opened this sauce, and caught the distinctive aroma of superhots, I figured I had pegged this correctly (I’m generally pretty astute at this type of thing, if I do say so myself), but when I splashed, or rather tried to splash - the nature of this sauce caused it to run along the threads and neck of the bottle here and there first, some of this even onto the food - it because very clear there was something wrong with this sauce. It took me a while to understand why, but I finally get it now. It’s because this is not really a hot sauce.

So, a brief digression as we take a look at the bare minimums for something to be a hot sauce. We can look again to Louisiana-style for this and those sauces are mostly composed of chiles, usually Cayenne, vinegar, and salt. Sometimes they will add water and xanthan gum as well, but as often not, and they are very clearly hot sauces, both in name and intention. So, let’s extend this mental exercise a bit. If you remove one of those three basic ingredients, you get the following: salted chiles, salted vinegar, chile vinegar.

It is the last option above where I think this product most aptly fits, as there is no salt in it. Salt is so ubiquitous and so usual and mainstream to our palates that take it away and it is immediately apparently that something is wrong, but in the world of hot sauces, where the sauce is meant to go with something else, it is not always immediately apparent what that is.

So, I am faced, once more, with the conundrum of how do I grade something that is not a hot sauce by hot sauce criteria, which is a bit, I suppose, like grading a dog or cat based on a human IQ test. Yet, the label very clearly says “hot sauce,” and I make it a point to take the makers at their words, so the scoring will be done as if this was a hot sauce, though I will add it not is not reflective necessarily of my impressions. I don’t really use vinegar and don’t really keep it on hand and when I do, it is always in a recipe of some kind. I do not just use it as a condiment on finished foods and can’t imagine anyone pouring vinegar on fried chicken or pizza (I know the Brits do it with fried fish, but I find that practice weird and icky and do not enjoy that).

So, following those lines, flexibility is non-existent, in terms of hot sauce, flavor is ok (again, as a vinegar), and as a hot sauce is fairly low as well because this is far too vinegar-forward.. Heat-wise, we have a nondescript super hot blend, which, according to Puckerbutt, ranges from Peach Ghosties to Peach Reapers. Fine, fair enough, this is definitely chilehead only territory.

Bottom line: This is not really a hot sauce, but a superhot chile-flavored vinegar, scorching enough to be reserved for chileheads.


           Heat level: 3
           Flavor: 2
           Flexibility: 1
           Enjoyment to dollar factor: 3

Overall: 2

Friday, December 6, 2024

Culinary Pepper Co. Limited Edition Hot Sauce Collection 2024 (Wal-Mart Exclusive) Mini Review

Culinary Pepper Co. Limited Edition Hot Sauce Collection

Note: Support video available here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Cws9VWmoVk

In what is becoming somewhat of a tradition, I wandered down to my nearest Wal-Mart to slum around and see what kind of chilehead stuff might be on offer for this year's holiday season. Some years I check after Xmas, to get some decent clearance deals, if any abound, but usually at least once before to see what's there.  I've done quite a few of these sets, nearly all of them mini-reviews (check TOC at right). A few of them I've done in the past are back this year, but I came across this one, which I had not seen or if I had, didn't remember, so I picked it up. These are from the Dat'l Do It company this time around, with three mini-flasks, labeled Chipotle Pepper, Americana Brands Red Serrano, and Global Selections Habanero. 

Chipotle Pepper

We'll start with the worst first and what we have here is a sauce labeled as Chipotle Pepper, but containing no actual Chipotle or even Jalapeno. In what would quickly become part of a trend for this set, this was a very abrasively vinegar forward Cayenne sauce, with the addition of a noxious-flavored fake smoke. Not to put too fine of a point on it, but this has fuck all to do with actual Chipotle and is far from representative of that flavor profile or pepper, like at all. So, we have false labeling and we're off to a roaring start. With this sauce, flavor was a total bust, easily the worst of the bunch, but at least it also had no heat to speak of. 

Americana Brands Red Serrano

Very clearly, we're just throwing words on a label and nothing means anything. Serrano does not appear on the label, but instead we have the vague and undefined "red pepper." Flavor is much closer to Jalapeno, however. This one, in addition to the abrasive vinegar, decided it would be best to ruin what would otherwise be an acceptably flavored sauce with an avalanche of salt. Once again, we have no real heat to speak of.

Global Select Habanero

I would almost say so many words, so little meaning, but this one does at least have Habanero in both the ingredients and very much so in the flavoring. It is by no means a great-tasting sauce, which is another trend, and is also overly salty, but it does have some heat, albeit on the very low side (basically pushing a 1 on my heat scale), and the vinegar is not quite as brutal here. 

All in all, this was a pretty disappointing set. The packaging is fantastic, with the flasks using a nice heavy glass, slick black packaging, probably intentionally meant to remind one of buying a nice chef knife, decent plastic insets inside the box to protect the precious flasks. If I was rating based solely on packaging, it would be pretty high, but that would be silly, given that the packaging is just basically going to take up space in your trash or recycle bin. None of the sauces tasted particularly good (though the Serrano, as mentioned, would have been acceptable, had it been much less salty) and only one, the Habanero, also the only one I'm going to use up, had any real heat to speak of. This winds up ultimately with me shelling out a fast fiver for 1.7 ounces of a very mediocre substandard sauce.

Thursday, December 5, 2024

Spice Dog Provisions Sailor’s Sky Hot Sauce Review

Spice Dog Provisions Sailor’s Sky

Story time: There is a really lovely standalone display at Roger’s Ogden location of Burn Your Tongue. It’s this sort of taller cardboard jobbie that fits a bunch of sauces in it and there were pretty much every variety from Spice Dog in it, being that is who the display is from. You’ve no doubt seen similar display in grocery stores, but I find it fairly rare for a hot sauce company to do this kind of marketing. Anyway, I’ve passed by it numerous times, always meaning to one day grab something, that old familiar refrain I’ve said many a time about many a backburnered sauce, but on the occasion I’d pick up a bottle, I’d see onions or, as was more often the case, my basket was already full with a number of other sauces I’d had on the hit list for longer or which had burned hotter and then I’d forget until I ran across the display again.

This time, the stars finally aligned, and while selection was notably down from the previous levels to the visit before this latest one, I still had some space in the basket and saw the display and figured I’d make good on that prior notion, finally. This was the only one I saw that struck me that day which didn’t have onions on it, so I picked up a bottle, so it could more conveniently sit on my shelf for a few weeks, but I got to this one in fairly fast time, considering.

I don’t know what I was expecting, but it was probably not this, which is a composite flavor profile, in which the ingredients all contribute to a greater whole, but no one part is particularly dominant in the flavor, though cinnamon does show up as an aftertaste probably the most frequently. Both Habaneros and Scotch Bonnets are here and those, in conjunction with the Bells and the pineapple, create a sort of tropical pepper vibe, which, despite the pineapple and additional sugar, is a touch vinegary. This is certainly an interesting and definitely unique flavor, nearly unto itself, as sauces that are composites tend to be. Heat-wise, given the peppers involved, this is quite moderate.

The drawback to these kinds of sauces is that they don’t tend to mesh well with other foods and unless you can find something readily to pair it with, these can linger around in the fridge for bit, both of which are true here. The flavor isn’t bad, but it’s a bit hard to figure. It doesn’t naturally lend itself to any one style, other than working pretty solidly with fried foods. I spaced over it a few times reaching for other stuff and, remembering that I hadn’t agitated it enough one time, that I got a lot of cinnamon, decided to try it as a dessert sauce, but it is in no way sweet enough for that. So, it winds up a sauce with a sort of self-defining identity and while I like it for a change of pace, I don’t like it well enough for this to be in regular usage.

Bottom line: If you’re been following this blog for any amount of time, you’ve perhaps ran across the phrase “more interesting than good,” and this is a sauce that is a prime example of that.


           Heat level: 1
           Flavor: 5
           Flexibility: 3
           Enjoyment to dollar factor: 3

Overall: 3

Monday, December 2, 2024

Maritime Madness Simple Scotch Bonnet Hot Sauce Review

 Maritime Madness Simple Scotch Bonnet

The last sauce of a wave of Maritime Madness sauces I bought earlier in the year. In some ways, it wound up being a case of in advertently saving the best for last...though, to be fair, I’m not sure if this or the Frig That’s Hot (reviewed elsewhere here) is my favorite sauce overall. I think this one tastes the best, but that one had a very good flavor as well and an additional heat push, so I might have to give the nod to that one.

In any case, this one serves as an outstanding introduction to one of the better-tasting pods out there, the Scotch Bonnet. Here, you can get a really good grasp of the flavor, which takes at least a pass at cousin Habanero, but is much better, as well as fruitier. If you had this and the Simple Tropical Habanero (also reviewed elsewhere here) side by side, that would give you a pretty full picture of the difference between them to compare and contrast. For me, I definitely prefer this one, but it is no secret which has been my strong preference for quite some time now.

This one also comes in the sort of squeezable clear plastic bottle, a packaging choice I definitely do like, and the sauce itself is very smooth. I find it quite flavorful overall, with a bit of body added with the carrots and a bit of amping up of the fruit notes with the mango. Yet, for all that, it is definitely the flavor of the Scotch Bonnet which is prominent and indeed, those others are there as grace notes, if at all. This one is a touch on the vinegar-forward side, though, it should also be noted. The sort of medium thickness might lead you think of it more as a sweet hot, but it is definitely not that.

I found this to be pretty interesting on a variety of things, though it is a bit too fruity to be useful on things like cream dishes. I found it to be a nice change of pace on pizza, though not something I’d want regularly. It particularly excels when used on things like fried foods and it is there I found it to be most fitting, though it was pretty fun to kick it around on other items. It’s delicious enough to be intriguing on many of them, though ultimately, I don’t know that I’d consider this a particularly flexible sauce. Heat-wise, given the Scotch Bonnet, it’s on the lower side.

Bottom line: One of the better Scotch Bonnet sauces out there, due largely to the strength of that flavorful pod, and for those not familiar, it would be hard to think of a better introduction than this sauce.


           Heat level: 1
           Flavor: 8
           Flexibility: 6
           Enjoyment to dollar factor: 10

Overall: 6

Thursday, November 21, 2024

Delizie Di Calabria Bomba D’Amore Mini-Review

Delizie Di Calabria Bomba D’Amore

Support video available here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P5q1wPYI4tg

This is not a hot sauce. This is a jar of vegetables marinated in oil. This winds up in a very delicious end result, but it is not a hot sauce, Italian or otherwise. I say this because the label copy insists on calling this both a “hot pepper sauce” and “Italian hot sauce,” but it is not a hot sauce. Indeed, you’d be hard pressed to call it a sauce at all. (Of note, as of the time of this review, I see this has been renamed as “Love Bomb” and they are calling it a general condiment, which is correct. This review, then, is for the bottle I actually had.)

We have artichokes (good) and Calabrian peppers (better) and eggplant (less good) and porcini mushrooms (also very definitely good), all in a nice olive oil, with some presumably light splashes of vinegar and salt and so on, but like the usual artichokes suspended in oil, there is no sauce to be had here. Calabrian peppers are certainly tasty and if you made a list of the best-tasting peppers, this would definitely be in the top 2 or 3, but they are not notably hot, per se.

I love the packaging, with the heart-shaped window and the sort of wick on the top of the paper wrapping, sort of like the fuse to those old-timey Warner Brothers cartoon bombs that someone like Bugs Bunny might lob around, but I find the label copy to be odd. I don’t understand the point to calling a thing something it is most definitely not. Things can be just a hot/spicy marinated-in-oil vegetable blend. Giardiniera is absolutely a thing like that, but no one is calling that a sauce. A garnish, sure, maybe even a condiment, but not a sauce and definitely not a hot sauce, even if that can be slightly on the punchy side here and there.

Anyway, this is something they suggest for pasta, pizza, paninis, etc., essentially Italian food, to which I’d agree...provided you can apply some heat directly to it to lessen some of the oily feel a bit. If you’re more a fan of oil, then perhaps you might be inclined to add it after the fact, but not me. Straight from the jar, this is quite good, but I feel it works better with some heat applied to it, to dial down the oily slick feel, and to hopefully get some of the Maillard effect raging. I quite like this and am happy I got it and heartily recommend it, but it is no sauce, let alone a hot sauce and only appears here, grudgingly, as a Mini-Review, and only because the labeling insists on calling it otherwise.

Thursday, November 14, 2024

Bear River Bottling Cajun Ghost Story Hot Sauce Review

Bear River Bottling Cajun Ghost Story

Note: Support video available here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=isPsAu3Dtf4

Jon over at Bear River is one of the few sauce makers I've met, albeit very briefly, directly. While I think he's one of the more inventive makers (we need a word specific to these creators, like vintner - I suppose we could use chef, which applies to many as it is) out there, I haven't been able to review much of his stable, as he has an affinity for onions that I both do not share and is literally intolerable to me (well, my system, but I suppose people's bodies are a part of them and all). When I heard about this, I was immediately interested and put it at the top of my list, got a bottle soon after, and then put it on my shelf, where it sat for far longer than I had in mind. Kind of the way these things work out with me sometimes, I've noticed...

Anyway, this one seems clearly aimed at being a Cajun style sauce and the ingredient list bears that out, but I think this is somewhat of a mistake in direction, as the sauce itself is a fairly medium-bodied affair, not loose like most of the Cajuns (themselves a derivative of the Louisiana-style), and is far, far less vinegar-forward. By itself, the sauce reminds me a bit of a marinara and I think it would be aces as an actual pizza sauce, presuming you like some heat with your food. I did greatly enjoy it on a fairly wide variety of things, including burgers, where the lack of vinegar and the holding power of the sauce helped it mesh, but in other places, including where I would normally use a Cajun or Louisiana-style, that facet worked against it. 

One of the happier things I've noted here is the addition of coarse or cracked black pepper, which I do love in a sauce. There is a pretty good amount of it here, which I'm happy about, though it does contribute a bit to a slightly gritty mouth feel. The coloration of this sauce is also fabulous and is one of my favorite hues, of any sauce. For me, I think I'd drop the Cajun out of the name and just leave this as "Ghost Story" and treat it more like a hotter everyday sauce and let people experiment and play around with it. It is good-tasting enough that it even if doesn't mesh with the food, say with tacos, where I also tried it, it's not inedible of anything, either. 

Given that this sauce has two of my most favorite peppers, the Cayenne and the Ghost, along with what I consider the best version of the Habanero, the red variety, and given the heavy black pepper, this was probably always going to be a sauce I liked quite a bit. Heat-wise, this is a pretty strong 2, so definitely this will be beyond most novices, but for those aspiring chileheads, this is one of those gems that comes along that tastes good enough to encourage eating more of it, while also being a good stepping stone for tolerance. 

Bottom line: As long as you like some heat in your food, this is a sauce that I'd recommend anyone get. It's not quite up to SOTY level for me, but isn't too far removed, either. 


           Heat level: 2
           Flavor: 8
           Flexibility: 8
           Enjoyment to dollar factor: 10

Overall: 7

Tuesday, November 12, 2024

Little Dick’s Habanero Peach Hot Sauce Review

Little Dick’s Habanero Peach

I will refrain here from spending too much time on the vulgar colloquialism American slang tie-ins to the sauce company name (though I will probably succumb to temptation in the FOH video review, at least a little). This is another one of those kitchen sink, “more is more,” type of hot sauce, where ostensibly we have a fruit-based sweet hot, with peach as the main fruit and Habanero as the supporting pepper, but as is often the case once a lot of different elements are added, we start to drift and in this case, neither of those flavors shows up particularly prominently in the flavor. There is, at times, a bit of subtle peach, an undercurrent, perhaps, but no Habanero, though I suppose that is only there for what little heat is in this sauce.

There are a number of different spices added to this and while I do applaud the sauce maker for listing out all of those, I also kind of hate the way the ingredient label is orchestrated (as it is not clear when one composite ingredient (like pepper mash or mustard) is ending and we’re back to the ingredients of the actual sauce itself). The spices are very forward in the flavor, which, combined with the molasses, give a sort of slightly sweet spice cabinet vibe to the proceedings. To my mind, after a certain point, the more stuff you add to a sauce, the more it becomes a flavor referencing itself and moves away from flexibility and I find that to be the case here. It’s fine on fried foods, which are generally neutral enough to bear a very complex sauce like this, but I struggled to find anywhere outside of that where I thought it worked well. The flavor of this sauce by itself is ok, but not something I generally find myself wanting. I will say the idea of big flavor is probably accurate, but a lot of those notes come from the spices, and I’m not certain they mesh together. Certainly, it has moved fairly far afield from peach and Habanero both.

Bottom line: Ultimately, I found myself more confused with this sauce than anything. If the intent is to make a unique sauce, this certainly succeeds, but you also run the risk of having trouble finding a place for it, which happened here with this one for me. 


           Heat level: 1
           Flavor: 4
           Flexibility: 3
           Enjoyment to dollar factor: 2

Overall: 3

Saturday, November 9, 2024

Brotaco Pineapple Habanero Hot Sauce Review

Brotaco Pineapple Habanero

I sometimes wonder if I’m going to wind up doing every single sauce of this type without onions, as I’ve done a lot of them. Both fruit-based sweet hots generally and pineapple sweet hots particularly remain pretty high in my interests as I’ve always loved pineapple and can never quite seem to have enough of this kind of sauce on hand. Lately, I’ve noticed that some makers are tossing lime in, to varying success, but I’m not always sure if it’s part of a trend or if there is some specific purpose. For this sauce, I think it’s the latter and I will say that tropical and citrus can be a decent combination.

This sauce, given the name of the company making it, along with the inclusion of cilantro in the ingredients, seems to me pretty pointedly aimed at tacos. Lime doesn’t go with red meat tacos, generally, so it seems more pointed at the lighter meat tacos, with particular focus, perhaps, on seafood tacos and/or al pastor. I have found it also does nicely on fried fish as well as fried chicken, to a lesser degree, but the lime does create a bit of a dilemma in that the food one is using this sauce on must also accommodate citrus. I do feel this could also work very nicely in a salad or as part of a mixed drink, so it’s not as if it’s entirely unusable, just perhaps a bit less flexible than if there was no lime in it at all. It is definitely bright and lively, though, and that part also seems by design. This is only Habanero, so not particularly hot, but it is a very firm 1 and accelerates to that level fairly rapidly.

There is some curious elements to the packaging. While I always like a good level stripe with the label, this is a fairly thick, somewhat pulpy (and gorgeous-colored) sauce, so putting a restrictor cap better suited to a Louisiana-style sauce is both unnecessary and annoying. The label has a lot of small text copy in white on a yellow background and all of that should also be reworked, as it is way more trouble than it’s worth to try to read it.

Bottom line: A kind of an interesting entry into this kind of sauce. While it didn’t work on everything for me, where it did work, it worked wonderfully.


           Heat level: 1
           Flavor: 7
           Flexibility: 3
           Enjoyment to dollar factor: 4

Overall: 4

Tuesday, November 5, 2024

Chile Lengua De Fuego Turmeric Bomb Hot Sauce Review

Chile Lengua De Fuego Turmeric Bomb

Note: This sauce appears on Season 19 of The Hot Ones.

Note: Support video available here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E_N1qyzKo_0

This is, to my knowledge, the first Honduran hot sauce I've ever had and actually probably the first Honduran food of any type I've ever had. Honduras is a country I admitted don't have cross my mind often, but it seemed unusual to me for a Central American country to use both ginger root and turmeric into their different food types. So, as is often what happens, I got curious and looked further into things and discovered a lot of interesting aspects of that cuisine...this, indeed, is one of the happier side effects of the Hot Ones show and of hot sauce in general for me, the discovery of new and previously unsuspected culinary items of interest.

This is also a sauce I put off for a while, because I couldn't really determine where to place it. I think there is a degree of similarity in Central American foods, with the most familiar to us in the United States being largely, if not predominantly, of the Mexican variety, but there are certainly regional differences and it is pretty fun to compare and contrast. Still, I couldn't place what food from any of those places might involve turmeric and ginger root. Garlic? Sure. Hot chiles? Definitely. But turmeric always seemed to my mind more associated with Mediterranean or Middle Eastern foods...or mustard, while ginger root inevitably leads me hard to Asian foods. 

Getting into this, while it did remind me a lot of the Last Dab sauces that involve an array of spices, the Honduran hard liquor that is part of this makes a huge difference. It is at once slightly bracing and warming, but gives a general sense of roundness to the sauce, which does tend a bit towards the bitter, thanks not only to the superhots kicking around, but probably the turmeric as well. That spice is one for me where a little tends to go a pretty long way. There are some flavor complexities at play here, but this sauce is also a touch susceptible to flavor cancellation, depending on where you use it.

As mentioned, there are superhots abound. We have Ghosties and Trinidad Scorpions and Reapers, so this is definitely a chilehead only sauce. It is also a sauce that really breathes more and comes to life when warm, although I think ultimately this is another with a flavor more intriguing and interesting than actually good. It is very smooth and has a nice, almost delicate mouth feel, which I also found enjoyable. It is almost one of those sauces that is kind of its own thing and works well until itself, but I did find it worked pretty well on the Honduran food I was lucky enough to find, and was pretty solid on fried foods also...though admittedly, it would not be my first choice. There are definitely some flexibility challenges with the flavor here.

Bottom line: If you're a chilehead with a taste more for the exotic, this will probably be right up your alley, but if you're not food adventurous, it might be more a mystery than desired to find a place for this.


           Heat level: 3
           Flavor: 6
           Flexibility: 3
           Enjoyment to dollar factor: 4

Overall: 4

Monday, November 4, 2024

Hillside Harvest Pineapple Fresno Hot Sauce Review

Hillside Harvest Pineapple Fresno

As I may have mentioned in the past, Fresnos are one of my favorite pepper types. I don’t really love eating raw pods particularly, but that is not the case with Fresnos, where I will generally get those when they are available and keep getting them until they’re not. Discovering my fondness for them was something for which I’m eternally happy and after discovering that glory, I no longer look past those bottles on the shelf, even though I know the heat charge is going to be relatively tame, at best, unless there are other, hotter, pods at play in the mix.

Here, we have basically 4 ingredients total. Pineapple (probably juice), vinegar, Fresnos, salt. I can admire a sauce that is pure and simple, as long as it is also flavorful. This sauce is a gorgeous slightly reddish orange, and the flavor is as lively and vibrant as the color. It is, however, a touch more astringent than I would like, as I always inevitably feel that fruit-based sweet hots should be sweet. This is not a sweet sauce (definitely could have used a hit of sugar) and is a bit thinner than others in that category. The way it holds to the side of the bottle, along with those factors, makes me think this is probably pineapple juice as the main ingredient, though it is listed as pineapple. I also wish the Fresnos were a bit more forward in the mix, as in before the vinegar, but the flavor of pineapple and Fresno is a great combination.

As with most sauces that use pineapple, this works nicely with fried foods. I think it is a strong testament to the power of the Fresnos that even as astringent as this is, I still think it works fairly well on pizza as well, but flexibility overall is a bit low for this, as the food is generally going to need to be able to accommodate both fruit and heavy vinegar aspects. Heat-wise, Fresnos are not ever going to deliver much in the way there, so the challenge here will not be from heat. Had the vinegar been dialed back and/or some sugar added and the Fresnos been a bit more forward in the flavor, this would have been among the best in this category. As it is, I’d still put it in the top third, though towards the bottom of that third.

Bottom line: A solid addition to the pineapple hot sauces out there, using one of the best-tasting pods, though delivering precious little in the way of heat.


           Heat level: 1
           Flavor: 8
           Flexibility: 4
           Enjoyment to dollar factor: 6

Overall: 5

Saturday, November 2, 2024

Frye Provisions Hot Sauce Review

Frye Provisions

Note: This sauce was provided by Roger Damptz of Burn Your Tongue, hot sauce emporium of legend. Check him out on Facebook & Instagram. 

Note: Support video available here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YMwyG8IWnyY

So, what we have here is a sauce designed by a chef, a sauce that actually feels and tastes like what you might expect a sauce designed by a chef to feel and taste. This is definitely a quite gourmet sauce, with unusual elements, such as raisins and dates, as well as achiote paste, that last which I don’t think I’ve encountered in a hot sauce before...and probably not dates, either. It is a fascinating experience, delicate, and extraordinarily well-balanced, with various subtleties emerging as you get further into the flavor notes.

The leadoff pepper is Fresno, which is a great choice, as this is one of the tastiest peppers out there, in my book. There is Habanero for heat, but only at the tail end of the ingredients, so heat is clearly not a focus and I don’t imagine too many will find this challenging in that regard. I suspect this sauce will appeal more to people who are foodies before chileheads, such as yours truly.

I think the idea here is an everyday sauce, an idea which holds appeal to a lot of sauce makers. With that type of sauce, there are two main paths that can be taken. While all sauces in that category have to have a good flavor to function, the first path is to make a sauce that is so delicious that one will still enjoy eating a delicious sauce, whether it pairs directly with the food or not. The second is to have a more non-distinct approach, so that it will potentially work with more categories than keying a sauce to one cuisine type. For this sauce, it strikes me that it has foot in both worlds, where it is both delicious and entirely mutable in terms of where it might be good. Indeed, even with extensive testing, while I have found that I prefer other sauces in specific settings, I’ve not found a single instance where I thought it didn’t work at all or was bad. Obviously, with everyday sauces, flexibility has to necessarily be high and I think this sauce succeeds there. It also comes in a 9 fl. oz. bottle, which leaves lots of sauce to play around with.

Bottom line: This is a very refined, even elegant sauce, that has quite a bit to offer and is perhaps the most gourmet hot sauce I’ve had to date. 


           Heat level: 1
           Flavor: 8
           Flexibility: 8
           Enjoyment to dollar factor: 10

Overall: 7

Sunday, October 27, 2024

Two Heads Music City Heat Hot Sauce Review

Two Heads Music City Heat

Note: This sauce was provided by Roger Damptz of Burn Your Tongue, hot sauce emporium of legend. Check him out on Facebook & Instagram. 

Note: Support video available here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m_hvSbdTqHE

It’s kind of interesting to me how different years shake out. I’ll get into it a bit more in the end of the year 2024 blog post, when I announce the winner of Sauce Of The Year for this year, but some years, it seems like I have a few right at the beginning of the year and then a long drought before I get more contenders, then one or two will come in right at the end, which is what happened this year. Other years will be sprinkled a bit more spread out through the months and I never really know which it will be.

So, as you may have surmised, this is another that is being added to my SOTY contenders for 2024 and this one hits a lot of sweet spots for me. I do love me a good bit of smoke into things, but it is a delicate balance, as that flavor note can easily be overused. Here, it comes across as perfection. The sauce itself is definitely more along the lines of a Cajun, with a very vinegar-forward base, with some garlic and other spice elements, and no less than 3 different types of peppers. We have the smoked Serranos, which impart a truly fantastic, near-joyous flavor, the Habaneros for the heat that comes on pretty quickly at the onset and kind of hovers at a good, solid 1, and Anaheim, to really round out and balance the works, and it all comes together to perfection.

This is probably my favorite Cajun-esque style sauce, which is one I consider an offshoot of Louisiana-style, and this is really saying something, considering there is not Cayenne pepper in this sauce. It is one I find so delicious, I want to try it on as much stuff as I think a vinegar forward sauce would work on and even a few things, like pizza, where I wouldn’t normally, but was curious. Given that this is as loose as it is, that also kind of speaks volumes, in its own way, and this is yet another that I easily cleared half the bottle, even with the restrictor cap still on it, within days of opening the bottle. Everything I’ve paired it with has been quite good, from the usual stuff of fried foods and creamy dishes, all the way to the aforementioned pizza and even some vegetable dishes, and I may need to get another bottle, just so I can further test it on more stuff. In fact, I daresay this will most probably happen.

Bottom line: If you’re a fan at all of the vinegar-forward sauces, and also like a bit of smokiness, do yourself a favor and chase down a bottle of this deliciousness. It is a sauce that makes me very happy every time I use it, which is what a good SOTY contender should do. 


           Heat level: 1
           Flavor: 10
           Flexibility: 10
           Enjoyment to dollar factor: 10

Overall: 8

Saturday, October 26, 2024

Double Take B-Sides Hot Sauce Review

Double Take B-Sides

Anytime I have a sauce from The Hot Ones show that I find impressive and that introduces me to a new company, I generally will use it as a launch point and look more into the sauce company. In this case, Double Take is another maker that likes to heavily use onions, so this will be the end of my little foray into their lineup, unless other sauces come out that don’t include them, but this was one I picked up from somewhere during a Black Friday 2023 buy (yes, it sat on my shelf for that long, staring longingly at me – I wound up with a deluge of Lousiana-style/Cajun style sauces this year, unusually) and kept meaning to get to.

The verbiage on the label, which itself is kind of a throwback both to the earlier times of vinyl and to the psychedelic era, claims this as the best Louisiana style sauce, which is not a position to which I’d agree and perhaps didn’t ultimately pan out, as I don’t see this sauce any longer in their lineup. This is kind of a shame, as flavor-wise, this is definitely near the top for this style of sauce. I found it, with the excellent combination of Habanero and red bell, to be quite delicious and sort of representative of the style, with one major caveat. It is unfortunately that same caveat that sinks the rating overall on this a bit.

This is one of the loosest sauces I’ve ever had, basically the consistency of water. This is a huge problem as it tends to separate and pool rather easily, even with a restrictor cap. The tendency will be to use a lot of it because that same looseness leads to a lack of concentration of flavor, so to get the desired density, the thought would be to use more, but because it is so runny, you will readily get puddles, unless it is something that can absorb the liquid. Obviously food stickiness is a problem and the label copy suggestion, of putting it on pizza (does anyone actually use a Louisiana-style for that food?), sounds like a recipe for instant tragedy to me. It would have strongly benefitted from either being reduced and/or some xanthan gum.

Heat-wise, it’s only Habanero, which is towards the end of the ingredient list, so it wouldn’t have been challenging to begin with, but particularly not with the sort of watered-down effect of the sauce.

Bottom line: This sauce is a good example that was one finishing step away from being a top tier contender and had it been more concentrated and/or less loose, I believe it would have been in SOTY contender territory.


           Heat level: 1
           Flavor: 8
           Flexibility: 3
           Enjoyment to dollar factor: 7

Overall: 5

Saturday, October 19, 2024

Lisa’s Piece O’ Habanero Heaven & Extra Hot Habanero Hot Sauce(s) Review

Lisa’s Piece O’ Habanero Heaven & Extra Hot Habanero

Note: These sauces were provided by Roger Damptz of Burn Your Tongue, hot sauce emporium of legend. Check him out on Facebook & Instagram. 

Note: Support video available here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4R8i0JphWZM

Here we have a couple of sauces that are sort of playing on the heaven (referenced directly) and hell (referenced less overtly) themes, with essentially the same base. I really like this idea, as you can very dynamically see, for example, the concept of moving to a hotter pepper experience, the flavor notes change and tend towards bitter, as the sauce (or pepper) gets hotter. By using the same base, aside from switching out the bell pepper variety used as accompaniment, this illustrated quite effectively and if you’re interested in that, buying this as a part will do well to amplify that.

However, doing so is perhaps slightly unfair to the “devilish” version, that being the Extra Hot, as it suffers in comparison. While it is a fine sauce in its own right, with a solid bit of heat for a Habanero sauce, along with a very nice sweet accompaniment to a Habanero flavor, with grace notes of carrots underlying, the “angelic” version is just really one of those more unique special sauces that come along so very rarely, that the appreciation when they do is instant.

Here we have a sauce where the sugar and carrots create a very nice harmony, with an excellent rounding by the orange bells, all with a very slight undercurrent of heat from the Habanero. I’m not sure if I should call it exquisite or not, but this is just an outstanding creation, easily one of the more flavorful sauces I’ve had this year and among the best ever utilizing carrots. Carrots are one of those odd sauce additions for me, where I get it conceptually, but even as a foodie, I find them much less sweet than I keep hearing portrayed. Here, the emphasis is a bit more on the carrot flavor, but instead of forcing them to also carry the sweetness equation, sugar is added and it winds up being just a delight, particularly with the aforementioned bells. While I will stop short of calling it outright great, I do like this sauce quite a lot.

The Extra Hot moves to yellow bells, which are fine, but as peppers go, the closer one gets to red and red variants (including brown), the more flavorful and sweeter they tend to be. This is clearly meant to be what it is, a much more Habanero forward sauce, and it is definitely that. I’m not a huge fan of the flavor of Habanero, which is well documented in these annals, so while I like what they’ve done here, it definitely pales in comparison to the “heavenly” version. I will say that this one did work better on Mexican food, thanks to that more Habanero forward flavor.

Both of them are sweet enough, though, to qualify essentially as sweet hots generally. The Mexican food experiment was not something I really wanted to repeat, as I found them a touch too sweet, but anywhere you might use a sweet hot, from fried foods to pizza and, given the prominence of carrots, on roasted vegetable or vegetable dishes in general, these will be well at home in. Yes, they’re sweet enough for desserts (but not angled in a way they would be good on ice cream), particularly a nice slice of carrot cake for at least the “heavenly” version.

Bottom line: We have a sauce here that approaches stellar (Piece O’ Habanero Heaven) and one that shows the trade of flavor for heat (Extra Hot Habanero), albeit is still a good sauce in its own right. Think more general sweet hot, as a category, albeit with a very tasty sweet carrot lean, for the former, and with a more pronounced lean for the latter.

Piece O' Habanero Heaven Breakdown:

           Heat level: 1
           Flavor: 9
           Flexibility: 7
           Enjoyment to dollar factor: 10

Overall: 7

Extra Hot Habanero Breakdown:

           Heat level: 2
           Flavor: 5
           Flexibility: 5
           Enjoyment to dollar factor: 8

Overall: 5


Saturday, October 12, 2024

Hot Ones The Last Dab Reaper Edition

Hot Ones The Last Dab Reaper Edition

Note: This sauce appears on Season 5 of The Hot Ones.

Note: Support video available here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ReZfElnzf8o

The final version that I hadn't gotten to of the original formulation (there is a mini-review of that) and interestingly, it more invites comparison to the other two than standing on its own. While not as hot as the Last Dab XXX (reviewed elsewhere here), it clearly is riding on a base that was keyed around a different pepper entirely and it sort of shows. The Carolina Reapers, appearing here in place of the various Pepper X variations of the other two sauces, contribute a very nice reddish hue to to think, making this the prettiest of the three, but the flavor works considerably best of all in the original Last Dab sauce.

Like the others, flexibility is somewhat of an issue as this doesn't appear to have a ready place. I am of the mind that the sauces are really meant to be stunt sauces and not really intended to go anywhere and just kind of be hot, but if that's the case, why the additional spices? Why bother at all with those? Like the others, this one works okay on chicken and might be kind of interesting with schwarma and if I liked Indian food at all, maybe there also, but realistically, this is not something I will be using other than on the wings in the quarterly FOH wing thing videos I do...and there, it's...fine. The fat of the wings seems to help things a bit, but there are also a multitude of other sauces I prefer more for wings.

Obviously, since it is in the 10 slot on the Hot Ones show, this is intended to cook and it gets into chilehead-only territory right out of the gate and only goes up from there, providing ample demonstration of why the mighty Reaper was the former record holder for hottest chile. 

Bottom line: As far as Last Dabs with the spice formulation go, this one falls firmly in the middle between the Original and the XXX, both in flavor and in heat, though it is the most visually attractive of the three. 


           Heat level: 3
           Flavor: 4
           Flexibility: 2
           Enjoyment to dollar factor: 3

Overall: 4