Note: Support video was in 2 parts as part of a larger overall Ass Kickin' sauce video. Link can be found on this page, with the other sauces.
The tagline on the bottle claims it is "Kick Yo' Ass Hot!" but what we're dealing with is a fairly successful blend of a Louisiana-style sauce with something more along the lines of one of those Habanero sauces that relies on a blend of carrots to help smooth it out. Like Scorned Woman, this one features both white and black pepper, but where that one turned right to bitter, this one is concocted to be a lot more creamier, sort of like one of those Buffalo sauces that is silky to the palate rather than harsh and abrasive (for wings, I personally prefer the latter, incidentally). All of those are mild, of course and this one racks in some very solid Habanero to boost up the heat build decently. Because it is the slow-burn Habanero, it also carries on for a good lingering bit afterwards, though never really gets anywhere near a level I'd consider challenging to chileheads.
It is a very good-tasting sauce that does a great job of melding the two aforementioned sauce types, that of the Habanero-carrot (I should note there are no actual carrots in this sauce, but it's that kind of vibe) and a more typical Louisiana-style, but the addition of Habaneros does not automatically incline it to Mexican food. In point of fact, it clashes heavily there, so it's best used in places you would use a Louisiana-style sauce, which is more closely resembles ultimately. Habaneros do have an aspect of overpowering and diminishing the overall taste in various sauces, though that is definitely not the case here. Here, they are a welcome accent.
Bottom line: This is a very solid sauce more akin in taste to a Louisiana, though notably hotter than sauces typically in that vein. It also has an appealing smoothness, also atypical for that type.
Heat level: 4
Flavor: 8
Flexibility: 6
Enjoyment to dollar factor: 7
Overall: 6
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