Saturday, April 30, 2016

Gator Hammock Lethal Gator Hot Sauce Review

Gator Hammock Lethal Gator Hot Sauce

Now I love cracked pepper. Black peppercorns to me for a long time were the epitome of awesome. I like the green and red ones as well but I don't tend to like any of these elements in hot sauce and I'll tell you why. It's because, as anyone who's had a heaping dose of it can tell you, it tends towards bitter. So, let's consider hot is cooked down, concentrated and distilled, in a way, which tends to amplify elements like that. In this case, it is to such an extent that it overrides nearly everything else. All you need to do is see the vast amount of black flecks to know that it's a component to an excessive degree.

It features several peppers: Cayenne, Habanero, Jalapeno and one of my all-time favorites, the criminally underutilized Scotch Bonnet but damn if you can pick out much more than the Habanero here and there. Despite this being the hottest entry, I wouldn't put the overall heat much beyond moderate and, as noted, the flavor is far from spectacular. If you were looking to cook with it, this wouldn't be a bad consideration for a pot of chili or something, but there are other things that serve that purpose better and it would really be nothing more than to just use this up. At around $8 a bottle or so, this is a very expensive thing to have that only fills that role.

Bottom line: This is one of the few sauces that one hopes for settling, as it's not a bad sauce when the bitterness of the black pepper isn't overpowering everything, but I made it through maybe 1/3 of a bottle before I called it quits as it was wrecking nearly everything I put it on. Total miss.


            Heat level: 5
            Flavor: 0
            Flexibility: 2
            Enjoyment to dollar factor: 0

Overall: 2

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