Sunday, October 16, 2016

Cholula Chipotle Hot Sauce Review

Cholula Chipotle Hot Sauce

UPDATE: Video support available here:

After the awfulness of the Chili-Garlic version, admittedly, I thought of doing this mostly for coverage, but I'm happy to say that this is more what I was hoping for when I bought both, which is a modification to a tried and true that represents more a chance of pace of Cholula's already winning formula, perhaps equally tasty, but more another option than a separate sauce or anything else and more than anything, that's what we find here.

Obviously, Chipotle is a very strong taste, so there is no mistaking that and if you're not a fan of that flavor, you may want to steer your way clear of this. There is not really liking that flavor a little bit or going into it partially; either you do enjoy or you don't. I do, as one might imagine, though as with all things, I prefer not to be beaten over the head and have one note be overpowering. Very easy to do with this particular flavoring, of course and Cholula frankly does a great job of tempering it. In fact, if you're not familiar with Chipotle flavoring, but are familiar with Cholua, this is a great entry point into some new flavor territory.

As with the other Cholula sauces, there is not really any heat to be found here particularly, so I'd be shocked if anyone found this challenging on any level in that respect.

Bottom line: A very nice addition to the Cholula flavor stable. I can't say I like it better than regular Cholula, per se, but I suppose that was rather the point: separate but equal.

UPDATE: After shooting the video, I have noticed an artificiality to the flavor that is unfortunately a note I am not able to ignore. I have re-rated the sauce to reflect that.


            Heat level: 0
            Flavor: 4
            Flexibility: 5
            Enjoyment to dollar factor: 4

Overall: 3

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