As some of you may have noticed, this and my
other wine blog (and to an extent, my Yelp) have been somewhat quiet this year.
It is not because of any kind of running out of steam, but a combination of
dietary changes and some projects (one of them is sort of a family thing, but
that part of my family is not at all close in proximity to my location, which
presents its own hurdles) that are intensely time-consuming. The dietary
changes leave little room for hot sauce, in many cases, and with summer, a lot
of the heated foods that work well with hot sauce are simply not part of
offerings. My wife has returned to work, which has also lessened dramatically
her time and interest in cooking and mine has ever been minimal to be begin
with. Thus, this update winds up being for 6 months rather than 3.
I don’t have any intention of shuttering
this blog, but the trend of sporadic reviews will probably continue for the
foreseeable future. I still seek out and try all of the hot junk I come across
in the various menus and have not lost my love for being a chilehead, but there
is a ton going on right now and a lot of this extraneous stuff has to take a
back seat…at least for now. I do have a few sauces on deck that I'm trying to get to and obviously, I still have, like the last few(!) years, no real strong
contender for SOTY in sight, but unlike other years past, I am noting it only
and not particularly worrying…obviously, that condition is not at all helped by
one of my lowest posting total of any year, including maybe the year of
inception, which was itself a partial year.
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