UPDATE: Video support now available here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yuqs3mt3qrY
Yet another in a very, very long line of different Louisiana-style hot sauces I've tried, this one is a very solid entry into that market. There is nothing particular to differentiate this from others of the Louisiana-named line or Trappey's. It is slightly less bitter and astringent than Crystal, but that comparison is really parsing hairs.
Like most sauces, this is very runny and comes in a restrictor bottle, which is a good idea. Heat is very, very moderate. In terms of taste, this one is pretty pure, pepper mash, salt, vinegar and that's about it. Don't really need much more than that, but in those elements, one can work wonders, like Red Devil or one can have something that has to be used in droplets or risk overpowering and killing the taste of the food. This one is nestled snugly in the middle. It is not the best tasting sauce I've ever had, but how often is one looking for heavy doses of flavor with this? This style sauce is really, more than any single other factor, to cut down the richness of food...
Bottom line: A very serviceable Louisiana-style sauce, more or less middle-of-the-road and a good alternate if you can't find your regular favorite.
Heat level: 2
Flavor: 6
Flexibility: 8
Enjoyment to dollar factor: 8
Overall: 6
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