Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Akita Sweet Chili Sauce Review

Akita Sweet Chili Sauce

UPDATE: Video available here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1ybo-SMNons

This one is one of the later ones I'm getting to. For one reason or another, I thought I'd already posted this and discovered that was decidedly not the case, coming across it as I was going through the door of my refrigerator prior to determining what remained that needed video support content. I got this some time ago, hoping it would be similar to the Zenso, which is an excellently flavored sauce, but this one treads a weird middle ground between a sauce to use after the fact and one apparently to use in something, as the label indicates a stir fry sauce.

Flavor-wise, this comes across as a sweetened version of a concentrated garlic sauce, which is just as appetizing as it sounds. It has little sparks of heat in there and there are substantial chunks of chilis in this gloppy sauce, but they contribute very little to the flavor. My guess is possibly some sort of Thai chili, though an astonishingly mild version of those.

This has honestly been a pretty hard sauce to use, as the garlic is both not a pleasant one and is very aggressive in the taste. Using this sauce after the fact has tended to detract from the flavor of the dish and using it actually in stuff has worked slightly better, but it almost amounts to building a dish around the sauce, which is the inverse of how it should work. All in all, this justifiably wound up as a forgotten sauce and it is slated to be permanently binned.

Bottom line: Sweet chili should be a pretty easy target, but this one managed to mangle the job pretty thoroughly. Not quite sure where they were going with this, but better ingredients would have helped.


           Heat level: 1
           Flavor: 1
           Flexibility: 2
           Enjoyment to dollar factor: 1

Overall: 1

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