Sunday, November 17, 2019

Torchbearer Ultimate Annihilation Hot Sauce Review

Torchbearer Ultimate Annihilation Hot Sauce - [TSAAF Sauce Of The Year 2019]

UPDATE: Support video now available here:

Sticking with the superhots for back to back reviews is unusual by itself, but having back to back SOTY candidates...very unusual, yet here we are. The best way I can think of to describe this one is a fairly close analogy to my much beloved Blair's Pure Death sauce (check the TOC if you want to read that one). If you're thinking that this will give it a nod, you're probably right, but the ingredient panels are significantly different.

One of the ways that I can tell my tolerance is up is that a sauce like this, which Torchbearer puts at a very solid 250,000 SHU is notably hotter than Pure Death, yet takes quite a bit before it starts to get things revved. Part of this is some of the heat coming from Habaneros, whose slow burn takes some time to wind up, but it is the overwhelmingly delicious Chocolate Habanero variety. There is some other items in here as well, where the Pure Death is 4 ingredients total. Flavor-wise, very similar, but Ultimate Annihilation is painted a bit more towards the flavor of the superhot Jolokias, which takes it down a touch in flavor, which I suppose makes up for it being hotter. Both of them share the same accessibility to various foods, which is generally quite good on everything that is not Mexican food, so they are great on about the same amount of stuff, though I think Pure Death being one of the all-time greatest sauces helps it quite a bit more here.

The consistency is virtually identical, very thick, very chunky, almost more of a puree, same bright orange-ish coloration. Torchbearer has really been coming on lately, so if you have trouble finding the Pure Death, this is a very excellent substitute and probably more readily available. Of the sauces from them, this is far and away my favorite and I half-wonder if I had found this first rather than the Pure Death, if they would not have been somewhat switched in terms of favor.

Bottom line: Another great entry from Torchbearer. This is a greatly flavorful sauce, with a good dose of heat, which may move it more into the realm of chileheads or developing chileheads only and another SOTY candidate.


            Heat level: 8
            Flavor: 8
            Flexibility: 9
            Enjoyment to dollar factor: 10

Overall: 9

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