Saturday, January 9, 2021

Karma Huhu Diablo Hot Sauce Review

 Karma Huhu Diablo Hot Sauce

NOTE: Video support available here:

This is the hotter version (big brother?) to the Huhu Pina sauce and I was interested to see if a hotter version would address some of what I felt were the inadequacies of that previously mentioned sauce (also reviewed here). It somehow escaped my attention that it utilized the 7 Pot Primo (I now have 2 open sauces with that pepper, for the first time ever), but once I discovered that, I was well-pleased. I'm impressed more and more with that pepper, lately. 

One of the nicest things was that in switching the pepper, a lot of the prominence of the one ingredient that I found to be highly distracting and detracting, the cumin, was reduced significantly. It also wiped out a few of the others as well, leaving ultimately a much cleaner sauce, which is a sweet sauce, with a mild pineapple presence, along with a very nicely blended heat and slight bitterness from the pepper. 7 Pot Primo seems to meld quite nicely in the sauces I've had it in so far and does not share either the flowery aspect of Scorpions or the slightly cloying nature of the Reapers. Now that I'm discovering it more and more, this is one I will be turning to with more frequency.

This one has a solid burn, much like the Wildberry Whoop-Ass from Pex (also reviewed here), and also like that sauce, is somewhat on a delay. You get a nice refreshing burst of heat and then as you continue to consume, you get a greater and greater burn. Quite pleasant and enjoyable, I must say, though this is not going to be anywhere near among the greater sauces I've had, I don't think. 

While the flexibility is increased to the point where this is workable on things like pizza, there is still enough cumin that I'm a bit leery about the odds of me buying more of this. I would not, for instance, use this on chicken strips. I am definitely going to give Karma a closer look, I think. This one was exactly what the Pina should have been, for me, and in a general and broader Mexican food sense, this is a definitely winner, unlike the other which was definitely solid for the al pastor tacos and that was it.

Bottom line: A very fine sauce to kick off the new year and it improved on every single aspect of the Pina. I still go back and forth on whether I will keep it on hand, but absolutely will enjoy the bottle in its entirety.


            Heat level: 4
            Flavor: 7
            Flexibility: 5
            Enjoyment to dollar factor: 6

Overall: 6

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