Thursday, June 2, 2022

Mayan Fire Habanero Hot Sauce Review

Mayan Fire Habanero 

Note: Support video available here:

Found this gem on the trip to Albuquerque for The Fiery Show 2022. I don't now recall the appeal towards this bottle, other than having CaJohn's Mayan Sun (I have been unable to find that particular sauce) in mind prior to going to the event. Once I got back, I wasn't quite sure what I had on my hands, so I put it on the shelf and forgot about it for a while. I came across it the other day, while looking to see what was left of the on-deck pile (not really a pile, more like a few rows, I guess) and took a closer look. I remember glancing at the label to make sure there were no ingredients I didn't want before buying it, but didn't have acute enough recall as to what I had in mind for it. 

What we have here is, more or less, a Louisiana-style sauce using Habanero instead of Cayenne. There is also quite a bit more than normal xanthan gum used here, so it is a bit thicker than the quite watery consistency normally with the Louisiana-style. The major change is the flavor of Habanero vs. that of Cayenne. The taste of Cayenne, for me, is akin to a very warm and beloved old blanket, comforting on a deep level. Here, we have a lot more bitterness than the Cayenne, with a touch more heat, though not to a great extent. 

I was wondering, given the Habanero nature, how this would do with Mexican style foods, but despite the reference to Mayan stuff, it is not really intended for that, I wouldn't think. It's quite a bit more vinegary than usually lends itself to that cuisine style, but does quite nicely anywhere that you would more normally use the Cayenne. The vinegar hit isn't quite as pronounced, but is fairly prominent. 

Bottom line: I found this to be quite likable, overall. It certainly won't replace Cayenne as my preferred pepper for Louisiana-style sauces, but it is more than acceptable anywhere I would normally use that kind of sauce.


            Heat level: 2
            Flavor: 7
            Flexibility: 7
            Enjoyment to dollar factor: 7

Overall: 6

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