Monday, August 1, 2022

Mexico Lindo Chiltepin Hot Sauce Review

Mexico Lindo Chiltepin

Note: Support video available here:

Much like the XXXtra Hot Habanero from this company (reviewed elsewhere here), this is another outstanding value in terms of cost to value. Chiltepin, along with Pequin, are a couple of my favorite peppers, in terms of flavor, and I'm always thrilled to see when they come along in a sauce. Here, we have what is essentially a mash of the Chiltepins, along with enough other seasons to point this pretty firmly as a Mexican-style sauce. More specifically, it's hard approaching what I'd consider a taco sauce, albeit one of the more delicious ones I can think of at that. This wouldn't be too far out of place at any of your favorite fast food haunts and indeed, while Mexico Lindo doesn't have an ubiquitous nature of say something like a Tapatio, the presence is more along the lines of El Yucateco in that you have to do a bit of searching, but will be rewarded.

This is a very smooth sauce and is quite flavorful, a hallmark of that particular pepper, despite being somewhat light on ingredients. Then again, this is ample demonstration that sometimes, a really good-tasting pepper is all you really need. Heat-wise, Chiltepins are fairly low on the scale of things and this isn't going to burn anyone's face off or present much of a real challenge to anyone. There is enough there to give a little bit of a "just enough to let you know it's there" sort of bump, along with a very slight build, but should fit in well for those who naturally reach for the hotter packets at the aforementioned fast food taco places. It is a slight bit on the vinegar side, however, it fits in well with any of the Mexican-style dishes readily, and is flavorful enough to go beyond that into realms such as more creamy dishes, like mac & cheese. I don't know that I'd love it too extensively elsewhere - I don't see it as being something I'd want on chicken strips or pizza or burgers, but it does extend a bit beyond just Mexican-style dishes, again, another strong nod to the flexibility of the pepper.

Bottom line: Another great entry into a very crowded market by Mexico Lindo and which is prompting me to get the other two sauces I'd done previously to re-consider those as well. This is about as sure of a thing as sauces can be, given the target cuisine it's pointed towards. 


            Heat level: 1
            Flavor: 8
            Flexibility: 5
            Enjoyment to dollar factor: 10

Overall: 6

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