Thursday, December 1, 2022

Louisiana Hotter Hot Sauce Review

Louisiana Hotter

Note: Support video available here:

I have to hand it to the Louisiana brand. They're taking essentially one sauce, a Cayenne-based Louisiana-style, and coming up with quite a few variations on the theme, all of which are solid on the level of the original, but also are different enough in their own right to stand apart. No real surprise that they also came out with a hotter version, along the lines of Texas Pete and Frank's, though in this case, they get major credit from me for eschewing extract and instead just using a hotter pepper. Here, it is the Habanero.

Louisiana-style sauces typically dwell in a fairly low heat range, so using Habanero is a pretty smart move. There is a slight flavor shift, from the normally somewhat salty sauce, to one that has notes of Habanero in there. I don't think Habanero is always a suitable pepper for this kind of sauce, but here it works pretty well, with enough of a shift to let you know it's there, but not so much as to be unpalatable. The heat is also appreciably higher, but still not greatly so overall...think of it more as a 1.5, but not quite enough to get the push all the way to a 2. 

I quite like what they've done here and were it not for the typical excessive saltiness,though I will note that it is somewhat less prominent in this sauce than some of the others from this company, I would probably mark this a big higher. As it is, it's definitely one of my favorite Louisiana-styles, easily in the top 5. I find the heat to be about perfectly where I'd want it for a sauce of this type, though I should also note that one has to have a bit of a care not to add it to things that are already on the salty side, as the tendency will be for that aspect to become a bit prominent to the point to being overly present, if not overpowering.

Bottom line: Another nice variation on the theme of Cayenne-based Louisiana-style hot sauce from one of the older names in the game. If higher heat is your angle with that style, this is well worth a go.


       Heat level: 1
       Flavor: 8
       Flexibility: 7
       Enjoyment to dollar factor: 10

Overall: 6

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