Saturday, September 21, 2013

Yelp + Misc.

After a bit of a layoff due to traveling for vacation, I should be back in order with reviews in the near future. I wanted to mention a couple items of note.

The first is that I have started a Yelp account. I have added it to my profile for this blog, but here it is again:

The second item is that I've been leaning away from spicy foods a bit (travel generally not being the optimal time to gamble with gastrointestinal distress), but I had occasion recently to try the Spicy Doritos Locos tacos things at Taco Bell. When I saw Spicy Doritos, I thought they meant like the Spicy Nacho chips, but evidently they meant more like the noxious red powder they slop all over Cheeto-s and such. These are not worth eating. The Cool Ranch Doritos Locos tacos are still the best of the lot, but even those are no great shakes. The Spicy Doritos Locos tacos are, as expected, not hot at all. You'd be far better off sticking with the Volcanos, both in terms of taste and heat.

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