Friday, February 5, 2016

Day Of The Dead Cayenne Hot Sauce Review

Day Of The Dead Cayenne Sauce

One of my last big shopping trips last year came when I had run myself perilously low on Louisiana-style sauce. Now, if there's one particular type of sauce I like to have on hand at all times, it is that one and it's been that way for a good solid 2 decades plus. So, I bought several bottles, all of the same style and probably won't run out until months from now, at which time, I'll probably panic and buy a whole bunch more...unless I start utilizing these reviews and remember which I like best...

As to this particular sauce, this is a very standard, I'd say, almost typical Louisiana-style sauce. It has the right pepper base, Cayenne and water, salt and vinegar to round things out, like one of my perennial favorites, Red Devil. Like Red Devil, this one doesn't have any harshness from the vinegar or bitterness particularly, but doesn't quite have the awesome flavor profile of Red Devil, either. It is slightly hotter than most of the commercial crop out there, but nothing even remotely challenging.

Bottom line: There is not a ton to really say about this sauce. It is a very solid Louisiana-style sauce, nothing too dramatic one way or another and a good entry into the field. For what I paid for the bottle, it was definitely excessive, but not the fault of the sauce...


            Heat level: 1
            Flavor: 7
            Flexibility: 8
            Enjoyment to dollar factor: 4

Overall: 5

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