Sunday, February 7, 2016

Jak Jeckel Red Hot Sauce Review

Jak Jeckel Red Sol Hot Sauce

The first thing I will tell you here is to go check my review for Jak Jeckel's regular gourmet hot sauce, available here: Once you get done doing that, come back here as this review will both make a lot more sense and is further built sort of on that previous review.

The idea here is that the "Red" is sort of the "hot" version of the Gourmet sauce. So, not a huge flavor difference, though they have evidently elected to build the heat through a combination of higher black/red pepper content and higher Habanero powder. This has the effect of making this sauce slightly more bitter and with a more prominent "building" heat effect, given the back end nature of Habanero in general.

I personally find this version to be a lot more palatable, as it boosts the heat up, not to a particularly challenging degree, but one that is more evident over time (though still somewhat slight, comparatively), but also boosts the pepper flavor. As mentioned, I am a fan, so it's all to the good there with me. People who didn't like the McCormick Hot Shot, though, for instance, may as well skip this one entirely.

Bottom line: Aside from what I've mentioned here, much of the review for the Gourmet sauce still stands. Frankly, this is only a minor heat uptick, though and the overall ratings for both are identical, unless you want to take it past whole numbers (and I don't).


            Heat level: 4
            Flavor: 9
            Flexibility: 8
            Enjoyment to dollar factor: 6

Overall: 7


  1. I hope you stopped at the Burn Your Tongue booth to pick these up! Hopefully you follow BYT on FB and can make it to a sampling event. Planning the next one for March. I appreciate your business and your blog! Roger - BYT

  2. I did. BYT is one of my favorite "haunts" for sauce and I usually check in there and/or Pirate O's once I'm ready for a re-load...

    I am not on any other social media, other than what is linked here, however...I definitely am going to try to make one of those events in March, though, depending on travel schedule...if I do, you can be sure a full blow-by-blow breakdown will appear here.

    Thanks for reading!


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