Monday, May 1, 2017

Q1 2K17 Update

The overarching trend of the past 3 or 4 years continues on unabated as 2017 began very soft, mostly because I was trying really hard to clean up the open sauces in the fridge so I could get to newer ones and hopefully find a SOTY contender before the very last second, such as last year went. That task is done now. Still on tap is to clean up the pantry shelf more, but as everything I have is of the super-hot variety, that is not generally a fast task, as it takes me a bit (ok, a lot) longer to cycle through those, but that isn’t really cause for a delay to things as much as the usual considerations, such as time. It’s not as if I suddenly got an influx of free time (I’m a month late, for instance, on this post, due to a project that barely wrapped up and have another major project on the near horizon) and with a fairly intensive travel schedule for the foreseeable future, it tends to preclude being able to really spend a lot of time with bottles of sauces, as I do not and will not travel with them in tow.

I do have a lot of stuff on tap that I haven’t gotten a chance to post yet, most of which should be forthcoming prior to June…hopefully. I am also probably going to put up my first quadruple review and I’m also looking forward to being able to resume updating the rest of the sauces that need pictures at some point. I think several of those sauces are long gone, but I would also really like to put that project to bed.

Speaking of SOTY contenders, I do have one sort of kicking around, but I’m not sure it is quite there with some of the previous worthies from years past. It is, however, easily one of the hottest non-extract sauces I’ve had a review is forthcoming, though I think I want to kick it around just a touch more first. I definitely need to go hit the usual brick and mortars for a recharge and should have that done by the time I get to the Q2 update.

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