Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Zombie Apocalypse Hot Sauce Review

Torchbearer Zombie Apocalypse Hot Sauce

While there is more than a passing commonality with the Rapture sauce from Torchbearer, as it shares several ingredients, I would hesitate to call this "Rapture-Lite". It has its own distinctive flavor and style and given the "zombie" part of the nomenclature here, one can naturally expect that is be far more abrasive, as that tends to be the one common theme and element uniting all sauces sporting that moniker. So, we definitely have harsher pepper notes here, particularly in the black pepper and while this is lower in SHU than the Rapture, it is somewhat less enjoyable to partake as well. Much of the other review also applies to this in terms of usage and which foods it works best with.

I'm not a fan of "challenge" sauces, which are to test this or that characteristic or even of the challenges themselves, to be blunt. All of that sort of stuff is lost on me and I want some good flavor that complements the food or elevates it and adds the sometimes missing heat element that I tend to have as a preference. I'm not extreme in any sense in this regard, in that I don't attempt to use it on ever single thing I eat, but when I do bust out the sauce, I'm really wanting flavor first, which is why Trappey's Red Devil sauce was so beloved for so long. I still try to keep a bottle around, just because it is a fond, familiar and dependable flavor, Old Reliable itself.

As far as sauces go, this is probably not one I would consider getting again, but compared to several of the other "zombie" sauces I've tried, this is near the top as Torchbearer are aces, without question. Just there name on something is enough to get me interested and though this isn't pushing all of the right buttons with me, I will definitely not be punting on the bottle. It is certainly well-crafted, so no knock there. It mostly just doesn't jibe with me quite enough. 

Bottom line: I think they meant this sauce as one to work up to the Rapture, as I believe it is the second hottest in their lineup. It is fairly abrasive, but more or less in line with the other "zombie" offerings out there. Good for those who want a little punishment with their sauce...


            Heat level: 9
            Flavor: 6
            Flexibility: 6
            Enjoyment to dollar factor: 5

Overall: 6

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