Monday, October 5, 2020

CaJohn's Black Garlic Ghost Hot Sauce Review

 CaJohn's Black Garlic Ghost Hot Sauce

Update: Support video available here:

To a degree, I did not understand the draw of black garlic and why it would be of interest, let alone of use, in a hot sauce. While this did not sell me on the usage in a hot sauce, exactly, I do now more fully understand the appeal of black garlic and the relation to umami. 

Despite doing the Chipotle variation of the CaJohn's Black Garlic sauces earlier in the year, that sauce was, for me, just kind of there, somewhat confusing but best thought of as basically a sweet soy sauce, with not a lot of flavor. This one, on the other hand, is considerably both more flavorful and more punchy and is highly enjoyable. 

I used it in most of the same places I used the other and this is literally worlds better. That it is that radically different is somewhat surprising to me, aside from the idea that chipotle being such a strong flavor, my presumption is that it was used more sparingly so as not to overpower the more delicate flavor notes. Here, with ghost pepper not being a particularly strong flavor, more is able to be used and so not only is there a strong heat presence, but the melding of the Jolokias with those other umami flavors of soy sauce and black garlic helps them to shine all the more. This, unlike the other, is also quite a bit more flexible, equally at home being a curious dipping sauce, to working spectacularly on grilled or roasted meats. 

As to heat, the ghost is tempered somewhat, showing off its more flavorful side and while this is notably hotter than the other, it is pretty far from where I think it would give anyone much trouble, chilehead or not. It is just a very nice, all-around sauce, though heavily pointed at the Asian side, naturally, that does a lot towards answering what all the hype about black garlic is.

Bottom line: This is a very good introduction to the glories of black garlic and I'm simultaneously pleased and saddened I didn't try this first...this may, in fact, be a sauce I consider keeping on hand in future.


            Heat level: 1
            Flavor: 8
            Flexibility: 6
            Enjoyment to dollar factor: 7

Overall: 6

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