Friday, December 15, 2023

Sauce Leopard The Sky Rider Hot Sauce Review

Sauce Leopard The Sky Rider

Note: Support video available here:

I love the name of this sauce company, like love-love it. It's probably my favorite sauce company name, if I'm being honest. The sauce names are wonderful. The labels are great, very nice level stripe between the label ends, outstanding graphics, very legible, like it's right near the very top as far as that stuff goes. With all this adoration of mine, it's saddened me a bit that I've found it hard to find a sauce from them that's really lived up to this. I enjoyed the Bird Blood (reviewed elsewhere here), but it wasn't a resounding triumph or anything. A lot of the sauces have onions, which precludes them, another has bananas, which I will probably get to at some point, but am not enthusiastic about as an ingredient generally. I sort of stumbled on this one by accident, but oh what a happy accident it's turned out to have been.

What we have here is a masterstroke of brilliance, combining the heat and flavor of Ghosties with carrots, tomatoes, and Jalapenos, along with a very intriguing sauce blend. I keep getting elements here and there that are delicious but that I can't quite put my finger on. All of this is very nicely balanced by a healthy dose of sweetness, but not so much that it's an actual sweet-hot sauce. This sauce, indeed, might just be the ultimate tightrope act, waking a line between earthy and fragrant, bitter and sweet, all while staying fairly accessible on the heat scale. I'd call it more appropriately a 1.5, but we don't do that here, and it's just not quite hot enough for me to give the push. This is definitely a way that normies can experience some superhot characteristics in a relatively tame setting.

I found I liked it best on lighter meats, so basically any of the birds you might enjoy, fish, and pork, as well as it making pizza pretty interesting. I did try it on Mexican food and while it's something I might use in a pinch, I find that sweeter sauces are not to my preference on that food type. It wasn't bad, but also wasn't something I think I'd be reaching for first. It's one that I have had a great time playing around with, while marveling at what a unique and flavorful creation it is. 

Bottom line: One of the more unique, and equally tasty, sauces I've come across in a while and happily one that approaches the promise implied by the creativity of the names. 


            Heat level: 1
            Flavor: 10
            Flexibility: 8
            Enjoyment to dollar factor: 10

Overall: 7

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