Monday, September 30, 2024

2024 Q3 Update

2K24 Q3 Update

Hey, so remember before I was doing the FOH series and I used to just talk about whatever spicy fast food entrees I happened to have? We’re going to start off with a little throwback to those times. I went on a little road trip vacation in the early part of this quarter, July, to be specific, and I came across a Qdoba. Now, I was a bit miffed earlier in the year that I wasn’t going to get to try their Habanero-Lime steak, since I kinda sorta like the chain a bit and there is not any near me, but I availed myself of the presented opportunity and tried it out. I found it quite nice and now I’m kicking my dumb ass self for not dragging along a camera (and probably some lighting, since what was in the hotel was not great) and doing a review of it (I had the dish with Qdoba’s Diablo Queso, so I could have done them both). They also have a new Queso out called Apocalypto, so I’m going to add that to my list to do next year, whichever of them are still around...I won’t have my editing tower with me, but by all the lights, I will hopefully actually remember to bring the fucking camera with so I can do some on-the-road videos...maybe. Hopefully. It’s weird, I always talk myself out of it, even after running into the same goddamn thing when I road tripped to Albuquerque for the Fiery Fest in 2022...I mean, in case you were somehow wondering if I wasn’t an idiot, there you go.

Additionally, Burn Your Tongue, my absolute favorite hot sauce emporium, run by one of the truly greats of the industry, Roger Damptz, celebrated the 15th year anniversary when I was on the road, so a belated and hearty round of applause to him...AND, get this, not content with that, the very next month, added another location in Park City, to fill the void in that area Pepper Palace left when they bailed. Very seriously, until the Burn Your Tongue web store comes back, if you are within a 100 mile radius of any of the locations and care at all about this kind of thing, you owe it to yourself to visit one. It is a pilgrimage absolutely worth the drive and if you ever want to meet me IRL, I haunt those hallowed shelves from time to time. I also updated the Utah hot sauce spots list, which I was (again) woefully errant on doing.

Going back to the FOH videos for a moment, there is a major change that will be drifting in here and there, starting tomorrow. I’m mostly planned through the end of 2024 and I think I will wind up having a video up pretty much every Friday between now and the end of the year...more on why in the end of the year blog post in December, but actually, the streak is more like starting in mid-August through the end of the year. The Friday postings will also likely continue for a while into 2025 for...reasons, which will be outlined more in the Q4 update. I have a LOT of challenge stuff on deck, since I had so much fun with it last year, so look for that coming out in probably December and onward.

Finally, Season 25 of The Hot Ones came out in early September and it added exactly 2 sauces to my overall list. Update for that will be coming in the End Of The Year post at the end of Q4. As for this season, one of those sauces, the Dawson’s, seems very interesting. The other sees the return of Fresco, who made one of the more phenomenal sauces on the show, so cautiously optimistic there. This is another rather onion-heavy slate of sauces, though, and it does see the return of The Hot Ones Classic sauce to lead things off, which is one I’ve not ever found to be particularly impressive. It also does not change my streak of having both a written and video review up for at least one sauce in every season.

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