Friday, October 20, 2023

Black-Eyed Susan Death By Chocolate Mild Hot Sauce Review

Black-Eyed Susan Death By Chocolate Mild

Note: Support video available here:

This is a company (I don't believe I would have chosen that particular name, given the attendant intimations if taken in a literal sense - here they appear to mean a very old nautical melodrama or possibly older slang for pistols or perhaps both) that I remember coming across my attention a while ago and I loved the name of the sauce, loved the logo, but it seemed like it was one of two things, either a mole' type sauce, which I'm not always in the mood to get or a sort of chocolate confection type syrupy sweet sauce, perhaps like a spicy fudge. Now that I've finally gotten my grubby hands on a bottle, I can say it is clearly more the former and also that I'm inordinately glad that I finally did.

What we have here is an amazingly complex flavor, full of spice and fruit and cocoa and Habanero dynamics, all into a very wonderful mix that I quite the right setting. Because it is a mole', it does limit the flexibility a bit, being restricted primarily to Mexican-style foods, where it is absolutely wonderful and a joy. It is also a sauce that I find works a bit better warmer than colder and I think you could absolutely use this as a mole' itself. In fact, if I wasn't having so much fun testing it out on stuff, whereupon I will surely run out before actually trying that, I might be inclined to give it a go in that setting...maybe I'll get another bottle and try that at some future point. 

It's a quite thick sauce, with this being the Mild version (not sure how I got that, to be clear - I thought I ordered or picked out the Hot version), it is very low in heat, but that really allows you to focus into the rich tapestry of flavor. It reminded me at time of a good fruitcake, to the point where I tried it out as close of a setting as I could find to that, but this is definitely into a fairly fixed food arena and desserts are not really among those playing there. I find a lot of people don't quite understand the difference between a mole' and a smother sauce or a hot sauce and getting a bottle of this is a quite good illustrative example, even as it straddles the line between those worlds itself a bit. One of the things it does the best, with the right foods, is to present a contrast to foods, but in a way that creates delicate interplay with flavors, rather than clashing, which is a hard trick to pull off.

Bottom line: Highly enjoyable, wonderfully flavorful, low heat and very unique sauce that is near magic when paired in the right setting.


            Heat level: 1
            Flavor: 10
            Flexibility: 3
            Enjoyment to dollar factor: 10

Overall: 6

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