Friday, October 13, 2023

Hellfire Full Shred Hot Sauce Review

Hellfire Full Shred

Note: Support video available here:

One of the more entertaining things to me in the food world generally (such as the very odd Rap Stars line of snacks) is vanity products. Hot sauce seems to be a riveting magnet for guitarists frequently and here we have a sauce ostensibly "designed" by the mad axeman David Shankle himself...except not, predictably not, not, just like nearly all the other vanity sauces out there. 

In this case, the sauce from the Hellfire lineup that appears to be used is the Gourmet Red (which is reviewed elsewhere here). The sauces are not identical; this one, for instance, is far runnier, much, much looser and closer to a Louisiana-style, though not quite as watery. Flavor-wise, it seems to meld better with the foods when in this form than did the Gourmet Red, with the Cayenne, in particular, seeming to be a bit more forward, but the flavor profile is nearly exact, probably because the same ingredients are shared between them. I didn't check to see if the specific order is identical, since Hellfire likes to create labels that overly challenge my ailing vision and don't update the graphics, even online, but we have the same aspects in flavor.

The other review, which you should read, covers a lot of stuff I've already tested. With this sauce, I've tried using it in place of a Louisiana-style, to slightly better effect, but the conflict of taste is still there. The only food recommend is to use it on a naan pizza. While I don't know what that thing is, exactly, there are a lot of Indian references in the sauce, to the point where if I liked Indian food, this could be a strong winner. As it is, I don't particularly and so it is not. 

Bottom line: A much thinner, and also much harder to find, version of the Hellfire Gourmet Red, though I think this consistency works better overall for the sauce.


            Heat level: 0
            Flavor: 4
            Flexibility: 3
            Enjoyment to dollar factor: 0

Overall: 2

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